- info@paynuke.in - 18005711888

Who are We ?


PayNuke is the right linkage that is empowering individuals, shopkeepers, disruptive startups, and many more to do business/ use the PayNuke services efficiently. We serve as a single window for various types of Non-Govt and Govt. services. 

The umbrella company of PayNuke is Prologic Web Solutions Private Limited. We are a mid-size set-up that was discovered with one SINGLE MOTTO, i.e TO BE UNIVERSAL, SAFE, AND PROVIDE SEAMLESS ECOSYSTEM for our users. 

At PayNuke, we facilitate the opening of the PayNuke franchise by providing all the required details. With improved branding, user interaction and customization, we are the right solution provider that can help you to earn income five times or higher. Hence, one need not put ANY EXTRA EFFORTS.

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